Kolabri Consulting Services

Modern software development is now more spontaneous, integrated, collaborative, and fine-grained than ever before. This creates a headache for transfer pricing managers because this makes it difficult to understand global software development workflows, adhere to the Arm’s Length Principle, and ensure tax compliance.

At Kolabri, we bring decades of experience in both worlds, software engineering and transfer pricing, and unravel the complexity of modern software engineering processes for your tax compliance. We offer multiple service packages to help you comply with necessary taxation regulations while not introducing impediments to software development.

Checkout our new brochure on data analytics for transfer pricing in software engineering to learn more about the approach underlying our consulting services.

Package 1: Introductory Workshop

During our introductory workshop, we walk you through both worlds: We introduce modern collaborative software engineering to tax experts; and the foundations of transfer pricing and the arm’s length principle to developers and engineering managers. We discuss potential transfer pricing issues in your software development setup.

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Package 2: Advanced Workshop

With the advanced workshop, you are at the steering wheel: We will prepare the workshop tailor-made - focusing in-depth on your specific requirements, concerns, and needs regarding transfer pricing and software engineering.

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Package 3: Risk Assessment

Are you facing risks related to transfer pricing and software development? With our measurement gear, we identify how your enterprise’s national entities partake in software development (along the dimensions collaboration, reuse, communication), analyze where you are at risk, and propose concrete next steps to mitigate those risks.

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Package 4: Tailored Transfer Pricing Strategy

How to determine transfer prices for your software development? Combining our expertise in software engineering and transfer pricing, we help you to design a transfer pricing strategy that is just right for your software development workflows.

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Package 5: Automated Calculation & Reporting

In this package, we implement and configure the infrastructure to automatically calculate transfer prices based on software development data that is already available in your organization.

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Package 6: Expert Opinion & Expert Testimony

If transfer pricing for software development is not substantiated by robust data analytics, it is susceptible to be challenged by tax authorities. This can lead to lengthy and costly legal conflicts and litigation.

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Need something else?

Of course, all consulting packages above can be tailored to your specific needs. Would you like our help with other topics? Reach out to us now. We are happy to support you.

Kolabri GmbH does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.